Friday, March 23, 2012

You Are What You Eat

As a kid, I was fascinated by Cookie Monster.  I thought he was quite disgusting in the way he ate cookies and making a huge mess.  But, I did like the way he talked and loved those cookies.  I just loved cookies.  In fact, I still do.  They are a big down fall of mine, which is why I don't make them very often. My husband and son wish I would make them more.  And when I do, the cookies vanish in a flash, which is fine by me.

I made the decision to stop making goodies several years ago, when I noticed I was the one who ate most of them.  I would, of course, have to sample the dough or batter to make sure it was going to turn out okay.  Then, when the product was done baking, I would have to sample it again to make sure it was fine to add the frosting or to continue to the next level of preparation.  And so, the process would continue.  And before I knew it, I had sampled 5 cookies or 3 cupcakes.  And if the decadent dessert happen to last a few days, I was slicing off slivers of cake or nibbling bits of cookies all week, much to the detriment of my waistline.

About three or four years ago, I made the decision to start eating healthier.  Not great rid of just my beloved cookies, but all things not good for me.  I didn't quit cold-turkey since we all know that's not a wise thing.  The brain seems to play tricks on us.  We tell ourselves we are going to start a diet tomorrow.  And when tomorrow comes, we're just famished.  So we stuff our faces and begin our diet the next day or maybe the next day after that.  And yet, there are days we've actually been so busy we've gone all day without eating anything until dinner and never noticed once we're hungry.  Go figure?

Anyway, I've decided the best diet is moderation in all things--whether it be dessert, soda, fruits, veggies, meat, grains, what have you.  I didn't limit myself to anything.  That way my brain wasn't going to play tricks on me.  If I wanted that giant slab of key-lime cheesecake, I was going to have it--only I was going to use moderation.  Which meant, I wasn't going to have that GIANT slab, I was going to have a small sliver and put the rest away for some future date. So I'd freeze the rest to avoid temptation.

And I have to say, this has worked for me.  I have lost about 25 pounds and kept them off. There has been no yo-yo'ing.  I've got to eat the little things I crave and the benefit is those cravings have pretty much gone away.  I eat more veggies and fresh fruit now.  If I were to be given a choice between a big mixed salad with meat and beans in it or a wedge of pizza with gooey cheese and pepperoni, I must say I'd take the salad.

But I've started to take the saying "You Are What You Eat" literally.  Things you eat affect your mood, your health, your weight, your mind, everything about you.

Just today, a friend posted this video on Facebook and I found it very helpful to me, personally.

I've been doing most of this already and so adding the rest will not be a big step for me. Had I not been doing stuff already, I'd have a hard time.

So my challenge to you (should you choose to accept it), is what are you eating (or drinking) in your life, that is having an affect on you?  What is it turning you into?  Are you a Cookie Monster--like I am?

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