Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Too, Shall Pass

'This too, shall pass.'  My dad was always fond of telling me this as I got to be a teen and entered my college years.  As a teenager, I am sure I rolled my eyes and thought my life was over.  In college, I remember I hoped 'it' would pass quickly.

As a young mother, I was anxious to have my kids grow up so I could move on to the next stage.  I kept telling myself--This too, shall pass.  Then, my husband was busy with his schooling and jobs, and we never saw each other.  My dad's words rang through my head on the long nights I was up with kids 'helping' them with their school projects that were due the next day.

I once had a boss who insisted there were no problems just situations.  To me, as an English major, it was just a different meaning of the same word.  But he said if you looked at it in a different light, you could always find a way out of it.

That is just like life--if you look at your situation differently you may find a different way out of it.  Not necessarily the way you thought you'd get out of it, but you still will get out of it.

Let me explain:  When I lost my ability to walk like a 'normal' person, I was devastated.  I was losing one more thing to this STUPID disease!!  I had already lost my talent to play my violin the way I wanted to; I had lost the feeling in my finger tips; and blah, blah, blah.  I was on the Pity Train to Party Ville.

But, my natural instinct of  'You-Can't-Tell-Me-What-To-Do' kicked in, and I decided to beat the Fates.  I got my AFO (see previous posts), went to the chiropractor, did my exercises, took vitamins, extra omega-3's, and other things I'd read up on that could help my cause.  Today, on great days, I am cane-free and walking to my doctor's office on the third floor of his office building.  I go hiking and camping.  I garden with the help of my walker (this is so I can make it back to the house after I've over-done it in the garden.  haha).

I just had to look at walking differently.  It didn't happen over night, that is for sure.  I still try to hop the Pity Train when I see a cute pair of pumps or a person run up a flight of stairs.  But, I am walking!  I may need assistance now and then, but I am still walking.  It wasn't a problem, it was a situation that I solved, and 'It too, passed.'

I'm one who believes in being positive.   If we think positive, positive things will happen. Positive people will want to be around us.  We can look at our situations and change them for the better.  Remember to look beyond today and that 'it shall pass.'


  1. Thanks for this wonderful, positive post. I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and enjoy your upbeat view, even in the midst of trials. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your comments! I appreciate it. Hope you are finding the sunshine in your life.

