It has taken me many years of trial and error. I know that for some these things may not work and for others you may think these ways are a bunch of 'hooey,' but if you try them out, you may be surprised.
- Chiropractics--I have been going every month (sometimes twice a month) for over 14 years. There was a time I thought I can't afford this so I am not going. I regretted it and ended up heading back. I have found one I trust with my life. He is now a family friend. His wife and I chat is up when we are there, and he is always asking about my kids. He has seen me on my worst days. His m-i-l had MS, so he knows all about my disease and what will help me. I have gone in at times in my wheelchair and after a few weeks of adjustments, I am back to walking.
- Acupuncture--I get this done at my chiro's office. It is a spinal rehab center so specializes in a lot of pain management. I have this done when I get migraines. Not too often, but it sure does help.
- Micro-current therapy--I do this when I go into for my monthly spinal adjustment. I believe it is why I am walking today. No doubt about it! Again, tried for a few months without, went right back on it. Noticed a huge difference. More balance, less pain, and overall well-being when I am consistent.
- Nutrition-- No special diets. I have lost 50 pounds since being diagnosed in 1996 and have kept it off. But the important thing to remember is MODERATION. Don't go pigging out on everything all the time. And don't be eating foods that are bad for you. I eat things low in sodium, low in carbs, high in fiber and protein. It helps with over all well-being and feeling good so that helps me deal with pain better. And being 50 lbs lighter helps with walking and exercise. And I don't beat myself up if I by chance have a day or two (or a week of vacation) where I eat really bad. I just go back on the moderation diet.
- Yoga--Yes, yoga. I am not consistent with this although I try to be. I have several videos I have at home I work on. It helps with spasticity in my legs and with balance. My cat loves to try to join me on this and hasn't figured out the she usually gets a good toss out of the room each time. :) Videos I love for my workouts--easy to hard: ; (am portion with rodney yee. PM portion too hard) ; (different am version)
- Essential Oils--I was introduced to these by another s-i-l of mine who then had her brother (my outlaw--hahaha) show me the wonders of these. I will be talking about the brand I use which is doTerra, but there are others out there. I first tried AromaTouch® Massage Blend to help with my neuropathy as my outlaw told me this was something to have been shown to help diabetic neuropathy. I have since moved on to Frankincense, Peppermint, Deep Blue® Soothing Blend and others to help with my MS symptoms. I have been able to go off of some of my synthetic medications completely, my pain is all but gone, and my neuropathy is under control. I have even shared some of this pain-controlling stuff with my rose-growing friend. She is excited to give it a try. (If any of you are interested, I can tell you about these. There are all sorts of things, from calming scents to oils to freshen your house. I love the lemon! I add it to furniture polish to my water to frosting for cookies.)