Friday, March 1, 2013

Busyness vs Business

I have been berating myself for not keeping this up like I'd planned I would.  I'm sure I've lost a few followers in the process, but that's the way life goes.  As I was thinking of why I haven't been keeping this up, I've been thinking of what it is that's keeping me from sitting down and writing.

Some of it has been great ideas that have flitted in and out of my brain never to be captured again.  Some has been illness, mine and others. Then, there is my seasonal job starting and the list goes on.

We all have things that get in the way--important or fun. That kind of goes back to my postings on Just Say No and Things that Matter.  We have to decide what to do with those.

But this post has to do with running around like a chicken with our head cut off and getting nothing done--Busyness--or actually sitting down and finishing that big project of cleaning out the messy pantry or getting the gardening power point presentation done for next week's class--Business.

The dictionary defines busyness as 'lively but meaningless activity.'  How many times during our lives are we doing this?  Just now, I got a phone call and spent 30 minutes on it. I was talking about nothing in particular, settle nothing important, had a lot of laughs, but didn't get anywhere on this blog.  Busyness.

Whereas, Business, is defined as an undertaking, a task, or a job you need to do--I am really trying to get this blog written, proof-read, and posted.

I have witnessed many friends fill their lives (and their kids' lives) with busyness--running from activity to activity and never stopping to see if these items are really meaningful in anyone's life.  My husband and I are guilty of the same thing and we have to keep telling ourselves: 'stay focused' ; 'what is our end-goal.'

A new book I am reading, Eat That Frog, is helping me stay focused on 'our end-goal.'  It is helping me avoid Busyness. There are two lines in the book that help me with decide if I am being 'busy' or working on 'busi' "There will never be enough time to do everything you have to do." and  "What is the most valuable use of my time right now?"  I use both these quotes with personal, spiritual, and work aspect parts of my life.

I try to NOT do the things that are of no to little value.  Is cleaning out the dust in the upper cupboards behind my recipe books really going to matter to anyone?  All that's going to matter to me is the draining of my energy, wasting time needed for a more important projects, and possibly a little bit of satisfaction when my tall sister-in-law sees it IF she should ever come to visit me and IF she should want a cookbook from that cupboard. Busyness

Instead, sweep the kitchen floor.  Same amount of time and it's visible to everyone. Do you see the difference?

Since reading that chapter, I have tried to implement those two sentences in everything I do.  It is amazing what little things I have eliminated from my life.  I still have a ways to go, but I'm starting to find some much needed time in my clock and scale down some busyness in my days.

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