Take for instance, the Hoop of Healing. Who is giving the healing? Is it necessary? Does it really work? Does it add to my energy or take away? Each hoop needs some important questions asked before jumping, leaping, walking, or ignoring is done.
Just this week, I was at conference for work-Hoop of Horticulture (one I love jumping through). A gentleman attendee honed in on me, seeing my cane and limp. He obviously found a kindred spirit, since his gait was impaired by a stroke. He followed me everywhere on break, during lunch, and even whispering to me during the speaking engagements all about Hoops of Holistic Healing. You really need to try these. The best one is the Hoop of Hemp. I tried to be nice and find common ground, since I do use essential oils, but it just seemed to encourage him. I found this draining to me. And as I was leaving the conference, with his information stuffed into my hands, I realized this was a hoop I was going to have to ignore. No matter how well intended this information may be, it just wasn't for me. It was draining to me, a lot of info scribbled on his tiny piece of paper, and there was no reliable information out there (yet) on it for me.
Next is the Hoop of Home life--aka your family. Lately for me, it's been a fast-rolling hoop, racing downhill, and I'm trying to hop along through it with one leg. Can I say, it isn't working? My kids are grown and gone; they've created their own problems; and while they may come to me for help, I can only be there to love them and help them pick up the pieces. On some of the issues, it's deserved-good or bad. On others, my heart aches for them. But this all goes back to me (and I'm not being selfish here): Does it add to my energy or take away? Is it helping with my peace of mind? So, I need to decide, as I did when they were young, is this a battle I want to fight? Or is this a hoop I want to ignore, crawl through, or help them jump through? As much as my motherly instinct tells me to run and scoop them up, wipe their tears, and tell them it will be okay, I know this is a battle I should not pick. I should let that particular hoop just roll on down the hill and not drag me with it.
The last one is the Hoop of Hope. I always believe in hope. Hope is what makes me get up in the morning, knowing that even though I'd a night of insomnia, a day of sunshine is waiting. I have friends waiting for me at physical therapy. I've a husband who loves me. I've two beautiful children, on good days or bad, who have two great spouses. I believe in the afterlife where I know I will walk without tripping over my toes and I'll be able to pay my violin again. Hope is what keeps me smiling and laughing.
And it's hope that has me helping where I can with other MS patients. I talk with them and encourage them. It got me involved in the community. It helps me inspire others to jump, crawl, or ignore those hoops and not to feel guilty! And through this physical therapy facility, I've come to make a difference with one important Hoop. Right now, I'm putting a call out to all of you who have struggled with hoops of any kind for your help out. I don't usually ask for much but this is a cause I believe in:
I'm a member of the Timpanogos Exchange Club in Orem, UT, a chapter of the National Exchange Club. We're a service club that works with our community to make it a better place to live. We're hosting a basketball tournament to raise funds for the clinic I attend to help with the MS program they sponsor.
The Nat'l MS Society had to pull funding from this program, but instead of canceling it for the many MS clients, the clinic has funded this with minimal fees. Equipment to help lift the less mobile patients and a scholarship fund are our goals. All of the proceeds will be going to OCMC MS Rehabilitation and Wellness Program, which is the only one of it's kind in the area.
Three are three ways you can help, if you live in Utah; two if you live outside. See the links I have attached below and help me by supporting a cause I feel close to. But remember, don't take on hoops you can't handle. I wouldn't want to be a reason for forcing you to jump through a hoop.
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This is such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing your story - your challenges and how you are dealing with them. I just love your blog posts! I don't have MS, but do have my share of challenges - as do we all. I particularly related to your paragraph about your children. I am sure there with you on that one. The older they get, the bigger their problems and the less we can do about them. I am working on "letting go and letting God" in all my challenges. Thanks again for sharing your faith and courage with your blog! I hope we can meet in person some day.