Sunday, December 7, 2014


Recently, I was away from my main PC and was trying to get into my blog site.  I just Googled "Ramblings of a Domestic" and was expecting my page to pop right up.  Now about a year ago, this would have been the case.  But not today.  I was in for a surprise.  I got things all domestic in it but with variations of what type of ramblings or goddess.


Really?!  Stealing my name and idea?  Can't think of your own blog title?  And what do you mean by Bad? Or Sorta?  Is Bad like in naughty or as in terrible?  And is Sorta, like you are into it only half-way?

I know Domestic Goddess has probably been around for a long time, and I don't have the patent on it. But Rick gave me that nickname a long, long, time ago.  I even have a pair of PJ's with the name on he gave me one year for Christmas.  He likes to joke with me: I'm his stay-at-home Goddess, hence my superhero name-'Domestic Goddess'.

I came up with the 'Ramblings' since I don't have specific topic on any given day; I don't have set times or days I post; and I wanted to have the freedom to post  whatever I darn well please.  AND I chose 'DISABLED' because I feel handicapped is so lame.  I'm still perfectly able to do a lot of things. The dictionary defines disability as the lack of adequate power or strength to do something. That doesn't mean I can't still do it. When you call people with MS (multiple sclerosis) or other diseases handicapped, you are putting a cap on the things we can do.  So derogatory.  The dictionary says the word handicapped sometimes offensive and gives the synonyms for it as hinder, impede, cripple, incapacitate.

So... all those out there who have piggy-backed on my great name, I'm here to let you know you're in no way 'handicapping' this Disabled Goddess in anyway, shape or form from Rambling.  'Rambling' the way it was intended--to share information;  help others know someone else has been there, done that; and hopefully help them feel good about themselves!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry this happened. Frustrating. I guess there are a lot of blogs out there with similar names. Hope all is going well for you. Hadn't heard from you via your blog for a while. Have a very Happy Holiday season!
