Saturday, April 27, 2013

Where There's a Will....

Another month has come and gone and here I am just sitting to write another post. Work has started up for me for the season. With it, calls from people with questions about their yards or gardens and trying to beat Mother Nature at her own game.  I love my job and I love working with people.

But on the days I work, I drag myself home knowing MS is taking its toll on me.  After seventeen years of dealing with this disease and with the naturally progression of age, I'm not the young whipper-snapper I used to be.  I can't just put in a whole day of work anymore, and then, party the night away,whether it is an actual party or work-out-in-the-yard party.

I pass along advice to people on what they need to make their lawn's green or their pea harvest come on earlier in our Utah heat.  I help them battle insects and weeds in their yards, yet when I come home, I look out in my thorny patch of a yard and hope no one knows where I live.

But this year, things will be different.  My Darling Husband and Super Son have teamed up with my brains to help my lack of energy.  This year, we are all in The Battle of the Wills--Mother Nature's and Ours.

For my birthday and for Mother's Day, I received two raised garden beds the height of 3 feet.  Yah, for me!!  I can now get out to my beloved garden and work in the soil and play to my heart's content.  I can comfortable lean or sit on the edge of the beds, plant, weed, pick, or do what needs to be done without fear of getting down and never getting back up.  There will be more beds to follow.

For anyone with any type of illness, a hobby of some kind is a must.  It is therapeutic. You need to find a release.  I've had those who give me all kinds of excuses why they can't find and outlet for their anger or depression--no time, no money, no energy.  Are these the real reasons?  Or is it just because they don't WANT too?

There have been times when I've done nothing.  I've sat for days staring at the TV or computer screen just clicking on a button doing mindless nothing.  And that's what it does to me--nothing.  It make me feel like nothing.  I literally have to pull myself away and find the WILL to live again.

This is what my hobbies to for me--make me live.  I love to GARDEN.  I makes me feel alive. So with the help of some friends and my great family, we find the will to make it happen for me to keep gardening when MS continues to creep in and limit my abilities. I love to be in the OUTDOORS.  My husband and I have found the ways and the will to make the outdoors available to me.  I love SCRAPBOOKING, PHOTOGRAPHY, FAMILY HISTORY, and the list goes on.  I don't let my illness stop me.  I find the way.  I find the will.

Because people, when there is no will, that is when we start to do nothing.  And soon that nothing will take over and it will rob us of who we are.  So, where there's a will, there IS a way!


  1. How wonderful! You will have to post some pictures of your lovely gardens. I want to put in some raised gardens too - maybe I should ask for that for Mother's Day/Birthday like you did! Enjoy the week and enjoy your garden.

  2. Brenda you are an inspiration! I love reading your posts! Keep them coming!
