I am sitting here letting the turmoil of my life settle around me as I try to feel the peace of another Sabbath day. I love Sundays--a day of rest. It is a day I don't have to go anywhere or do anything. I go to church and take in the sweet spirit of worship and leave feeling renewed for the week. I stay at home with my family and enjoy the peacefulness within the confines of my home.
I remember Sundays as a kid. They were the longest day of the week. They were what I called 'can't' days. "I can't go boating with my friends," or "I can't have a sleep over on Saturday night." But I seem to have forgotten all the things I could do--I could play board games with my dad (which I loved to do). I could make cookies with my sister. I could practice my violin all day and not get yelled at by my mom for not doing something else. I could go visit my neighbor from Denmark, bug her, and stay out of my mom's hair for a while (I am sure my mom would have loved it if I had stayed over at her house all Sunday afternoon).
Now it is a time for filling my personal well so I can share the water with others throughout my week.What's this 'well' I talk of? It is an inner peace each of us finds to help us make it through the week and face the challenges we have thrown at us in life. In this well are thoughts, sayings, songs, and maybe scriptures we hear that build up our happiness. Sometimes it's our friends or loved ones who help with these things. Other times, it's getting away from it all and unwinding. It's no longer taking away from our reserves of 'water' but adding to it. Reading, sleeping, listening, praying, mediating, and counting our blessings are all ways to replenish the shortage.
I often joke with my kids when things are all out of sorts, that I need to 'balance the chi.' I feel I am working against the order of things. I haven't had my Blessed Sunday with peace and worship to help fill up my spiritual well. Other times when chaos rains, I've even said, 'I need to find the chi!' I really hate those days since I know they're spinning out of control and I need to step back and put my priorities in place.
For me, putting them in place means Sabbath Worship and all that it entails; fill my cup until it runneth over; share the cup with others so their burdens are light also; and try to keep the World's turmoil at bay as I balance my chi and move forward one Blessed Sunday at a time.